Beginners Pole - Tuesday 8pm-9pm
Intermediate Wednesday 8pm / Advanced Tuesday 8pm
What is Pole?
Pole can be broken up in to 3 categories:
Spins are unique to pole, they can be elegant and graceful, energetic, fast or slow, and easy to start learning from your first pole lesson.
Choreography, aka Flow, involves sequences of footsteps, floor work and poses. Used between spins and aerial tricks to make a routine flow smoothly, it helps to improve co-ordination, flexibility and toning.
Aerials includes climbing, inverting, gripping the pole with legs and/or hands to form poses and then transitioning between these poses. It is physically the most challenging aspect of pole.
What exactly will you be learning?
From your first lesson we introduce the basic techniques to all aspects of pole - including getting you upside down! We concentrate more on choreography and spins to start with whilst you build your strength and confidence, and there is no pressure to do anything that you don't feel comfortable with.
The Revolutions syllabus has been carefully and thoughtfully designed to introduce a variety of pole dance moves at a speed that will encourage and inspire you whilst giving you achievable challenges.
To book your first pole class with us, please contact Kathryn on 07896 054581
Design & content property of Cat Ledbetter & Revolutions. Copyright January 2024